Cogsuite is a secure and extensible cognitive assessment platform based on contemporary cognitive psychology and neuroscience research that can remotely, repeatedly, and reliably detect subtle cognitive impairments and changes across attention, executive function, working memory, verbal abilities, visuospatial ability, motor function, and processing speed domains.
Cogsuite’s cognitive assessment battery was been designed and developed in collaboration with neuropsychologists from one of the leading centers for cancer research and treatment and with support from the National Cancer Institute (NCI) of the National Institutes of Health (NIH).
Circus Cannon Twins

Circus Cannon Twins measures visuospatial ability using a Mental Rotation Task. Twin acrobats are presented to users who must determine if they are identical by mentally rotating one of them.
Clownfish Commander

Clownfish Commander is an Attention Network Task that measures three components of attention: Alerting, Orienting, and Executive Function. Users are prompted to identify the direction of the center clownfish in a flanker array across varying cue conditions that are represented as rustling seaweed.
Quickbot Inspector

Quickbot Inspector is an N-Back Task that measures working memory. Robots encoded with letters are displayed. Users must determine if the currently presented letter is a match depending on the N-Back criteria. This measurement includes a progression from 0-Back, 1-Back, 2-Back, and 3-Back Tasks.
Soup Chef

Soup Chef is a Finger Tapping Task that efficiently samples left and right handed motor responses and bilateral coordination. Users are prompted to tap left and right index fingers as fast as possible.
Balloon Collector

Balloon Collector is a Stop-Signal Reaction-Time Task consisting of go and no go trials. During go trials, users are presented with a target to which a speeded response is required. During no-go trials, a target is presented but followed by an auditory stop-signal with a varying stop-signal delay based on a staircase tracking procedure.
Zeppelin Race

Zeppelin Race is a Verbal Fluency Task that requires users to generate words that belong in a given semantic (e.g. Animals, Grocery Items, Furniture) or phonetic (words that begin with a given letter) category. The zeppelin moves forward with each correct answer.
Zookeeper Match

Zookeeper Match is Substitution Task that assesses higher order processing speed. Paired stimuli are presented that are either match a code key that is displayed onscreen, or that do not match. The paired stimuli will include different animals and their favorite toy. provides mobile, tablet, and desktop access to six measurement systems through the National Institute of Health’s PROMIS API. Using our secure cloud based study and participant management system, researchers and clinicians can easily assign, remotely administer, and collect data from over 500 PROMIS API instruments. can seamlessly integrate with EHR, EDC, and other systems to enable single click workflows to assign and administer (remote or in-office) self-report instruments.
Self-Reported and Proxy-Reported Measurements
Global, Physical, Mental, and Social Health domains
For adults and children in the general population and those living with chronic conditions
Computer Adaptive Tests (CAT) and Short Forms
English and Spanish versions
340 Measurement Instruments
Self-Reported and Proxy-Reported Measurements
Physical, Mental, and Social domains
For adults and children living with a neurological condition
English and Spanish versions
Computer Adaptive Tests (CAT) and Short Forms
37 Measurement Instruments
Self-Reported Measurements
Physical, Emotional, Cognitive, Anger/Emotional & Behavioral Dyscontrol (EBD), Social Domains
Individuals with a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
Computer Adaptive Tests (CAT) and Short Forms
41 Measurement Instruments
Self-Reported Measurements
Physical Function, Physical-Medical, Emotional, Social Domains
Individuals with a Spinal Cord Injury (SCI)
Computer Adaptive Tests (CAT) and Short Forms
49 Measurement Instruments
Self-Reported Measurements
Physical, Mental, and Social Health Domains
Adults living with sickle cell disease
Computer Adaptive Tests (CAT) and Short Forms
12 measurement instruments
NIH Toolbox®
Self-Reported Measurements
Sensory Function Domains
For adults and children in the general population and those living with chronic conditions
Computer Adaptive Tests (CAT) and Short Forms
8 measurement instruments
ASCQ-Me (the Adult Sickle Cell Quality of Life Measurement Information System), PROMIS (Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System), TBI-QoL (Quality of Life with Traumatic Brain Injuries), SCI-QoL (Quality of Life with Spinal Cord Injuries), Neuro-QoL (Quality of Life in Neurological Disorders), NIH Toolbox for the Assessment of Neurological and Behavioral Function, and their logos are marks owned by the U. S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).
Get More Information
Contact us to learn more about our self-report measurements or to schedule a demo.